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Taken 6-Jan-16
Visitors 14

3 of 341 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Photo Info

Dimensions996 x 665
Original file size90 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB


When selecting your photos, sharpness is key. Exposure (especially bright road surfaces) can easily be corrected. If flash reflections, background riders/drivers or utility poles/lines are distracting, add Custom Shop to your order and the distractions will be eliminated. RockStorePhotos may make substitutions to photo orders if a substantively similar but materially sharper image from the same sequence is available.

Photos whose file names begin with D8C are extracted from 7360 x 4912 36 megapixel originals. D4S files are extracted from 16.2 megapixel 4928 x 3280 files.